If your fat mass measurements don't seem accurate, perform the following steps:
- Make sure your scale is clean.
Click here for cleaning instructions. - Make sure you step on the scale barefoot.
- Make sure that your trigram appears after your weight has been displayed on the scale. If there are several users, select the correct user by leaning your weight left or right when your trigram appears on the scale. If you are not recognized, please install your scale again.
- Make sure you stay still during the measurement.
- Make sure you always weigh yourself around the same time.
Ideally, you should weigh yourself about 30 minutes after you get up, or at least three hours after working out. - Make sure your profile information such as height, gender and age are entered correctly within the Withings App. To check this, select Profile within the app and then select your name under your profile picture at the top of the screen.
Change your height, gender or age if necessary. - Make sure you selected the right body type by activating or de-activating the Athlete mode in your profile in the Withings App.
Note that fat mass measurements won't be accurate if you're pregnant. In this case, we advise that you disable fat mass measurements.
If you still encounter issues, reach out to Customer Service by clicking the Contact us button at the bottom of the page.