The following screens can be displayed on your scale:
- The Weight screen
- The Weight Trend screen that displays a graph with your last 8 measurements as well as the difference between your latest measurement and the one before.
- The Fat Mass screen
- The Weather screen
- The Heart Rate screen
- The Air Quality screen that displays the CO2 level and the temperature of the room
- The Steps screen that shows the number of steps you did the previous day
A few extra screens may be displayed if an action on your part is required:
- Arrows can appear at the corners of the screen when you weigh in if your weight isn't properly distributed on the scale.
Simply lean in the direction indicated by the arrows until they disappear. - If several users have a similar weight, the scale will not be able to automatically recognize them. In such cases, the scale displays the following screen.
Lean right or left on the scale to select the correct user.
Note: The Smart Body Analyzer displays your body composition measurements in percentage. You can select to view your body composition measurements in percentage or absolute units (kg, lb, stlb) in the Withings App or on the Online Dashboard. To do so, perform the following steps:
Withings App
- Open the Withings App.
- Tap Profile.
- Tap Settings (the “gear” in the top right-hand corner).
- Tap Units.
- Tap the button next to Body Composition in % (left “absolute units” right “percentage”).
Withings Web App - Online Dashboard
- Navigate to the Web Dashboard.
- Click your avatar in the top right corner and click Settings.
- Click your icon with profile pic or initials.
- Select Mass unit or percentage under "Fat Mass Display".
- Click Save.