Dissociating your Home allows you to remove it from your account. Once it is no longer linked to your account, it can be installed on another account.
We recommend you to save your videos before dissociating your device.
To dissociate your Home, perform the following steps:
- Open the Home app.
- Tap Settings.
- Tap Remove from my account.
- Tap OK.
- Perform a factory reset of your Home.
Performing a Factory Reset of your Home
Factory resetting your Home allows you to delete all of the data stored on it. Factory resetting completes the dissociation process.
We recommend that you save your videos before resetting your device.
- Unpair your Home with your mobile device by "forgetting" the Home on either your Wi-Fi or Bluetooth settings.
- Unplug the Home's power supply from the wall and plug it back in.
- Wait until you see the Home light up orange.
- Unplug and re-plug the Home 5 more times, ensuring the orange light comes on each time.
- On the 6th time the base should blink orange and then blue, indicating your Home is reset and ready to be paired and configured.
At this time, you can start the installation process for the Home.