Starting with Android 6 (Marshmallow), Android devices will require location services to be enabled in order to detect and connect to Bluetooth devices via BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy). As such, you must enable location services on your Android device in order to install and sync your Thermo.
The Withings App for Android also needs access to:
- The Bluetooth settings on your mobile device so that you can enable or disable the Bluetooth without going to your mobile device’s settings each time. Bluetooth is used to connect the app with the device.
- Internet access to send and receive data from the internet, which is required to download new versions of the app.
- Network connections to check the connectivity state of the phone (Wi-Fi, 4G, GPRS).
- Existing accounts on the phone to handle push notifications.
- Wi-Fi connections to display them when installing a Withings device.
- Vibration control (not used).
- Flashlight control (not used).
- Running apps (not used).
Withings App (for both iOS and Android) also needs to be able to:
- Know when the phone has finished starting up so that it can start in the background and connect to your Withings devices.
- Prevent your phone from sleeping so that you can receive push notifications.
- Test the access to photos and media. This allows the Withings App to keep images in the cache.