[Official] Withings 5.14: Health Mate becomes Withings ⭐️

Withings App
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  • c.andrew.carson


    Thank God... it's good :)



  • Jonathan D


    What have you done ?!  This release is so buggy, I am getting to the point I don't trust the data being displayed.  

    I see you added the big ugly 'Explore data' button (horrible UX) to get a graph that emulates the old graphs you have removed, but with only pinch and zoom controls it is just messy compared to what we used to have. 

    With the existing Week/month/... graphs, after a very long spinning update, I now only have data sets for the current year - nothing before Jan 1.  Have you really removed all this data so you have to use the Explore Data graph to see more than a few months?? 

    The Trend figure on the graph does not change when you swap between week, month, quarter, year, so please advise what trend it is displaying - my guess is a rough estimate of the monthly graph, but it is clearly a wrong trend on the other graphs. 

    The Share a health report has gone from creating error filled data (the weight trend is always very wrong), to now just failing to generate at all! 

    On the website view, you seem to have corrupted the data with this upgrade - I have now lost any visibility of fat, water, muscle data from Jan 1 onwards - it is there in the app, just not on the website. 

    Has this been tested before releasing to users ?? 

    You seem to be doing a great deal of work to stay with the graph tools that a massive percentage of your users find pretty terrible.  Please listen to users and revert back. 



  • Jordi R


    The explore your data button is something made without motivation, is this a joke?


    I started hating not only the app... I started hating the whole Withings as a brand for how are treating the customers, specially the loyal ones.


    When I feel more relaxed I'll try to explain again the things that are not good for me.



  • Jordi R


    "Feel free to drag and zoom in or out to explore your graph even further!"


    Free is the last thing that I feel with this chart.


    There is no way to view a free range of time, there is no way to see for example 6 months or 2-3 years. I have 10 years of data and I can only choose 1 year or all 10.


    From the UI/UX Perspective:

    The data that we expect to see here with this button is grayed in the background and "average line" that we don't want to see here is in front. If this section tries to show detailed data, the details should be on front.


    The average line is not consistent in the month and week zoom level the line is exactly over the raw data points and the rest of zoom level acts as the "average".


    The "average line" has big points that seems that are the only zones that can be checked for further details taping over them. But is false. Here the points are useless, luckily the details comes from the grayed line behind but from the UI/UX perspective it has no sense.


    In this section we are still unable to see the body composition details and we cannot compare how the composition changes depending on weight.


    take seriously our comments...



  • chucko.lin


    Just bought new cardio scale but the app can’t add the device. Have tried reset multiple times but still. Not sure if it is app issue 



  • dmhome


    This 5.14 update is basically the same junk as the 5.13.x versions. All through the beta I reported bugs and problems with this version and not a single one was addressed, or was I ever contacted by Withings to elaborate.
    As all have already commented, the graphs are still messed up! As well, every single day when I step on my scale the last metrics from the day before are duplicated, creating averages being displayed on the graphs. If I step on my scale before 7:00am, those metrics are completely missing on the graphs, yet if you check the data pages, the metrics were recorded for that date and time.
    The app also randomly decides not to sync with Apple Health and I cannot see why?!
    And nowhere do I see a Withings widget on my lock screen or any way of adding one, not that I would even want to!!
    Come on Withings, if you are not going to improve the graphs, at least fix the bugs!!!



  • busidyl


    "Explore Data" doesn't even come close to working like the old graphs, it doesn't come close to addressing what's been lost and that more than three month after huge outrage that that's what's offered as a solution is beyond frustrating, it's in fact insulting.

    I still can't set my own scaling for the Y axis/weight so I still can't see my weight measurements or trend lines compared to my set weight goal. Is the weight goal even displayed on any graphs anymore?

    And this Explore Data still isn't what we had. It's still showing some kind of interpolated data, but as imaginary points with straight lines between them, then draws a curved line, presumably, through all the individual weight measurements??!! That makes NO SENSE. Points for interpellated data, but a smooth lined running through all the individual, precise measurements?? SO WRONG. Put each individual measurement as a point and make straight lines between them. Then draw a curved line to show an average interpretation on all the data point. You know, LIKE IT USED TO BE before someone ruined this app for some unfathomable reason! And there should be a setting that changes the time scale or weighting of the interpolated data. make that value in days or something so set to 1 (day) the average line would look almost the same as the points for each weight measurement. But if you set it to 30 (days) the line would show your 30 moving average and be a very smooth line. That would give great control of how detailed or smoothed that interpolated line is. That's actually a tool/setting/feature worthy of something promising the ability to "explore" our data. 

    And Explore Data should allow you to see body composition data and weight data!! It shouldn't be a button under Weight and only show weight. It should be a global data explorer. We want to see ALL the body composition and weight data on one graph like before??!! WHY is that so hard to understand??! Hell, let me add in a line for other data like average hours of sleep a night, or my blood pressure averages or resting heartbeat? Give us tools and options to see our data in ways that works for us! Don't force simpler, but much less functional UI on us! 

    Why, over 4 months after this app was dumbed down close to being worthless are we still trying to get you to even understand the problem!! Much less actually fix it!!

    I'm looking for a whole new brand/system for my weight/body composition and sleep. My beloved, trusted Withings app is now just a source of frustration and anger. YOU BROKE THIS FOR NO REASON AND REFUSE TO FIX IT.




  • busidyl


    And you can't even set the Explore Data X axis, time scale as you see fit?!! I try to set a time frame by pinch zooming and then it STILL forces the time displayed to a different time scale. I assume it still forces one week or one month?

    Explore Data is a DISMAL failure at adressing what's been lost. Explore Data feels like something that was coded in a few hours just so a check mark could be checked off a list. It shows no understanding of the lost functionality or a shows complete incompetence if indeed the developer did understand how the old graphs work and what functionality was lost!



  • demeyer.arnoud


    Withings needs to let down their ego and accept they were wrong and start listening to its (ex)users.



  • sissybighamjohnson


    Can we get our money back on the blood pressure monitor that we purchased from Withings because the app that goes with it is of no use to anyone



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