Yesterday my Samsung Health step count was over 12,000 yet Health Mate only reported 9,082.
This is a trend that is repeated on every day previous too.
Yesterday my Samsung Health step count was over 12,000 yet Health Mate only reported 9,082.
This is a trend that is repeated on every day previous too.
UPDATED: August 28, 2020
Hi all,
Any issues with step discrepancies between Samsung Health and Health Mate Android have been resolved in update 5.01. Please make sure your app is updated to the latest version.
You may need to unlink and re-link the two apps to reestablish the sync.
Happy posting,
I have the same problem. My samsung watch says 8005 steps, health mate 14189. a big differ
The last few weeks the health mate has been recording double the step count of what Samsung health has been recording. I've fully reinstalled health mate. Issue continues.
This is still definitely a problem. Not sure what Chris was referring to in Aug of 2020 because nothing has been fixed. I deactivated the link to Samsung Health back in May of this year and just tried again today. Health Mate reported over 8k steps for yesterday when Samsung Health reported 5,719 steps.
Same problem with Galaxy Watch 4 + Samsung health when sync to Health Mate. Please fix this old bug!
The step count discrepancy between Health Mate and Samsung Health needs to be fixed. I have reconnected multiple times between the applications and still experience this issue.
I just did the link today, getting the same issue:
Samsung Health: 12 477 steps
Health Mate: 40 320 steps
Over 3x times more steps.
I'm on Version 5.10.3
Just installed the app today and I have a discrepancy of 1000+ steps missing from Samsung health to Health mate. I have tried everything that I could think of to rectify this issue with no luck.
Using 5.10.4 and Samsung Health
Still awful sync on the step count from Galaxy Watch Active2.
22k steps on Samsung and 84k on Health Mate.
Had to swap to syncing with Google Fit instead for now. It doesn't count as accurate as the Samsung watch i wear, but its still miles better just by having my phone with me..
This has been an issue for 2+ years now and is even getting worse. Please consider to actually care about your customers.
I think I might have a fix for Steps.
I sync my steps from Samsung Health to Health Mate in order to export it to Google Fit. I faced similar issues of inaccurate count of Steps in HMate - almost double of that recorded in SHealth.
I noticed that in android settings HMate has one Allowed Permission - Physical Activities . I removed this permission and after that the readings seemed to be ok.
1. Go to Settings.
2. Scroll to Apps and find Health Mate
3. Remove Physical Activities from Allowed Permissions.
This fixed the mismatch. Although I noted HMate recorded inaccurate steps occasionally but the data synced to Google Fit matches that captured by SHealth. Also HMate self-corrects itself usually in the next step count update.
Hope this might work for others.
Hey there customer support. Thanks for all your invaluable help with this situation.
It seems that your bug ridden, one step from useless app only imports steps recorded in Samsung Health as part of exercise activities, and doesn't recognise day-to-day steps. This is obviously because day-to-day steps don't burn calories do they????
You can go back to ignoring all the posts now. Thanks again!
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