- 体重屏幕
- 脂肪含量屏幕
- 心率屏幕
- 显示二氧化碳水平和室内温度的空气质量屏幕
- 体重趋势屏幕,显示最近 8 次测量值的图表,以及最近一次测量值与前一次测量值之间的差别
- 步数屏幕显示您前一天行走的步数
- 如果您的体重在电子秤上分布不正确,在称量体重时,屏幕角落会出现箭头。
只需向箭头指示的方向倾斜,直到箭头消失。 - 果多名用户的体重相似,电子秤将无法自动识别他们。在这些情况下,电子秤将显示以下屏幕。
Note: The Smart Body Analyzer displays your body composition measurements in percentage. You can select to view your body composition measurements in percentage or absolute units (kg, lb, stlb) in the Withings App or on the Online Dashboard. To do so, perform the following steps:
Withings App
- Open the Withings App.
- Tap Profile.
- Tap Settings (the “gear” in the top right-hand corner).
- Tap Units.
- Tap the button next to Body Composition in % (left “absolute units” right “percentage”).
Withings Web App - Online Dashboard
- Navigate to the Web Dashboard.
- Click your avatar in the top right corner and click Settings.
- Click your icon with profile pic or initials.
- Select Mass unit or percentage under "Fat Mass Display".
- Click Save.