- 无法通过蓝牙找到 Steel HR / Steel HR Sport
- Steel HR / Steel HR Sport 在安装后无法重新启动
- 安装失败
- Steel HR / Steel HR Sport 显示屏上出现一个竖条
- Your watch is in Demo Mode / Your watch cycles through different screens on its own
Note: if the Withings App remains on Configuring your watch, please forget the watch from the Bluetooth setting of your phone. Log out of the Withings App, delete the app and reinstall it. Log back in, and attempt to configure the watch again.
在进行故障排除之前,确保您的设备与 Steel HR / Steel HR Sport兼容。
无法通过蓝牙找到 Steel HR / Steel HR Sport
- 确保 Steel HR / Steel HR Sport 离您的移动设备足够近(1 米)。
- 确保每次按下按钮时 Steel HR / Steel HR Sport 都会显示“go.withings.com”。
If it doesn't, try to charge your watch. If your Steel HR / Steel HR Sport displays the current time instead of "go.withings.com", try to perform a factory reset. - 如有必要,请禁用移动设备的蓝牙功能,然后重新启用。
Forget the device from your mobile device and any previously used to configure the watch, and turn off Bluetooth of any nearby mobile devices.
要通过低功耗蓝牙连接,Android 6 用户可能必须更改应用的权限。为此,请依次转到设置>应用>Withings App>权限,然后启用位置。
Steel HR / Steel HR Sport 在安装后无法重新启动
如果 Steel HR / Steel HR Sport 在安装后无法重新启动,请尝试恢复出厂设置。为此,请执行以下步骤:
- In the Withings App select Devices (the small watch icon on the bottom right-hand side of the app), select the Steel HR from the device list, scroll down and then select Dissociate this product.
- Go to the Settings of your mobile device, select Bluetooth, and locate the watch in the list of devices. Select the small icon to the right of the watch and select the option to Forget or Remove the device.
- Press and hold the button on the side of the watch for 5 seconds. Workout mode will start after pressing the button for about one second, but continue pressing until a menu appears on the watch's display.
- When on this menu press the watch button until the screen shows "Factory Reset".
- While the watch shows "Factory Reset", press and hold the watch button for one second and you will see "Reset in 5 clicks".
- Press the button 5 times and the watch will be reset to factory settings.
- The watch will now restart and will show "Hello!".
Please note that if the watch does not show "Hello!", this means that the factory reset was not successful and so it must be performed again. - Try the installation process again.
- 确保您的移动设备接入互联网。
- 确保在安装过程中将应用保持在前台运行。
- 确保在安装过程中移动设备未进入休眠状态。
- 确保 Steel HR / Steel HR Sport 在安装过程中靠近您的移动设备。
Note: if your Withings App says that the PIN or pairing code is incorrect, it means that your mobile device needs to be restarted.
Steel HR / Steel HR Sport 显示屏上出现一个竖条
完成设置后,Steel HR / Steel HR Sport 显示屏上可能会立刻出现一个竖条
如果您遇到这种情况,请按住 Steel HR / Steel HR Sport 的按钮 15 秒。
Steel HR / Steel HR Sport 显示屏上出现一个竖条
If you encounter this issue, please click here.