Steel HR™ 可帮助您跟踪心率。默认每隔 10 分钟测量一次心率,以便您了解当天的心率波动情况。 您也可以选择使用连续心率模式来持续获取心率,这在运动过程中尤其实用。 在这种模式下,每秒测量一次心率。请注意,连续心率模式会同时启用计时器,让您了解确切的运动时长。Note that your heart rate data is sent every 30 minutes to the Withings App.
要确保 Steel HR™ 有效跟踪心率,请确保 Steel HR™ 的腕带舒适地紧紧系在手腕上。腕带应该佩戴在距离腕骨约 1 厘米处。
- Press the button of your Steel HR for about a second until it vibrates.
- Press the button on the watch to cycle through activities.
- Press and hold the button on the watch to launch the mode with the selected activity.
- Press the button until it vibrates again when you want to stop your workout session and the continuous heart rate mode.
请注意,启动连续心率模式后,Steel HR™ 显示屏上只会显示心率屏幕。
To view your continuous heart rate measurement graph, open the Withings App and tap directly on the activity for which you activated the continuous mode.
注意:跑步 2 分钟后将自动启动连续心率模式。跑步结束后,该模式会自动停止。