您可通过 Steel HR / Steel HR Sport 跟踪下列活动:步数、跑步和游泳。无论您在步行、跑步还是游泳,无需执行任何操作即可开始跟踪。只需佩戴 Steel HR / Steel HR Sport 即可。
借助集成的加速度计,Steel HR / Steel HR Sport 能够自动统计步数并识别跑步。
(1) Visual representation of the number of steps: each bar corresponds to a 30-minute period
(2) Number of steps during the day
(3) Percentage of the daily step goal achieved
(4) Estimated distance walked during the day
(5) Estimated calories burned during the day (active calories and total number of calories)*
(6) Heart rate graph
(7) Day's activity detail
*Steel HR / Steel HR Sport 除了显示靠锻炼消耗的卡路里外,还会显示您通过 BMR(基础代谢率 - 是您在静息状态下维持身体功能所需的估计卡路里数量)消耗的卡路里。因此,这款跟踪器可在锻炼完成之前就显示卡路里。