您可手动或自动设置 Steel HR / Steel HR Sport 的显示屏亮度。为此,请执行以下步骤:
- 打开 Withings App 应用。
- 转到我的设备。
- 点击 Steel HR / Steel HR Sport。
- 选择自动调节亮度。
Steel HR / Steel HR Sport 显示屏会根据外部光线自动调节亮度。 - I如果您不想选择自动调节亮度模式,请移动滑块,手动设置 Steel HR / Steel HR Sport 显示屏的亮度。
Note: When a workout or sports session is launched on the Steel HR / Steel HR Sport, the display of the watch will remain on, at full brightness, until workout mode is ended. This is normal behavior and does not indicate an issue with the watch.