When will I receive my refund?
When an order is returned, we will refund you once we have received and checked the product when it arrives at the warehouse. We recommend that you send us the receipt proving you have sent your parcel (from the post office or pick-up point) so our teams can track delivery.
Why hasn't my refund been processed yet?
Before inquiring about your refund status, please make sure that you have followed the process for returning a product for a refund.
If your return tracking indicates that the package has been shipped, this confirms that it has been dropped off at our returns warehouse. However, it may take an additional 2-3 business days for the return package to be scanned, received, and confirmed as such in our database. Only when it is confirmed as received in our database will the refund be processed.
If the refund is not processed within 14 business days from the return delivery date, reach out to our Support team by clicking the Contact us button at the bottom of the page.
- It may take 2-3 business days for the return package to be scanned, received, and confirmed as such in our database. Only when it is confirmed as received in our database will the refund be processed.
- The refund will be processed to the original payment method. If you would like to be refunded via a different payment method, please contact us.
- Refusal to follow our process for returning products will result in a delay of your refund.